Monday, April 18, 2011

Frequency signal (CLK)

Frequency signal is needed for digital components to work. Depending on wanted speed there is a range of several built-in frequencies to choose from:

·         internal signal frequency VC1, VC2, VC3, SYSCLKx2, CPU_32
·         output from adjacent blocks
·         common Broadcast line (BC)
·         input (RI) or output (RO) block lines

Most common internal signals are VC1, VC2 and VC3, because when used with different prescalers, they offer broad range of possible frequencies. In case that signals VC1,VC2 and VC3 could not offer specified frequency, outputs from Counter, Timer or PWM, which can be used like like additional prescalers. Picture above shows in dotted line direct way to connect output of previous block with the input of the next block. In case that signal needs to be routed across several blocks, connection is done over common frequency line BC.

Component input signal
Most of the components, beside frequency signal, has one or two digital inputs. For example, in the case of a counter and PWM generator input is used for enabling counting. There are different possibilities in selection
of the component input signal:

·         block input lines (RI), which is a case of external signal
·         block output lines (RO), in the case of component cascading
·         analog block comparator lines
·         signal of logic one(high)
·         signal of logic zero (low)

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